Contact InformationContacting the community center is quite simple. We can be accessed via email, phone, fax, and also through the contact box on the following.
SummaryTo read a brief passage summarizing the purpose and mission of the San Fernando Valley Japanese Community Center, click the button below.
LocationWould you like to participate in one of our events? You'll need to know where the CC is located. To find out, go to the Location page by clicking the button below.
Historical TimelineA timeline of major events in the history of the community center can be accessed by visiting the Historical Timeline page. To go there, click the button below.
Dr. Sanbo SakaguchiTo read about the dedication of the main hall of the San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center Nikkei Pioneer building in honor of Dr. Sanbo Sakaguchi, click the button below.
Lifetime Achievement AwardFrank Tanaka was born in Nebraska, near Scottbluffs where the Tanaka family farmed and did cattle ranching on the Wyoming and Nebraska borders. Unlike most of us, he was a cowboy who rounded up the cattle, roped and branded them.